
Preserve your loved one's lifestory for generations to come.

Start a free memorial
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Create a lasting tribute to share with family and friends for a lifetime

  • Keep cherished images, videos and stories of your loved one in one secure and convenient place
  • Easy to set up - with expert customer support to help you if you need it
  • Share the memorial with family and friends and invite others to contribute memories
  • Secure and private - you control who can see the memorial and contribute
  • Your's to cherish for a lifetime

How it works

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1. Include service content

Adding a video tribute, an obituary and any guest book entries created for the service is a great way to start your online memorial.

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2. Connect and collaborate

Invite family and friends to visit and contribute to the memorial. You can also set adjust your privacy settings.

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3. Add more memories

You and invited family and friends can continue to add memories to the memorial - building a lasting tribute you can cherish for a lifetime.