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For a lifetime of stories.

Beautiful online memorials created in minutes and cherished forever.

Start a free memorial

Preserve your loved one's life storyfor generations to come

robert's memorial with QR code

Memories provides a beautiful and secure online space to gather, share, and preserve memories, stories, photos, and messages celebrating your loved one's life.

It's a lasting tribute where family and friends can connect and remember together, no matter where they are.

Start a free memorial

Join hundreds of thousands of people around the world and celebrate your loved one's life.

Trusted by over 100,000 people in 50 countries

Over 10 million memories shared

“It was really easy to just upload them all and they're there forever now.

The more people that do these memorial, the better for everybody because it will give you a real sense of belonging.”

- Will Chitty, Moresey - England

Make life's best memories last forever

sarah's memorial on mobile
  • Easy Setup
  • Secure, always ad-free
  • Unlimited space for images, videos and stories
  • Unlimited invitations for family and friends
  • Privacy control for managing access and contributions

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