Future Messages to future generations

Creating Your Legacy
Future Messages to future generations

Memories offers a way to record personal messages today to pass onto loved ones at a time you choose. Through Future Messages, you can record and schedule messages to send to loved ones weeks, months or years into the future.

Future Messages is a unique concept that "bends" the limitations of time. You can send words of wisdom, encouragement, or simply funny stories to future generations, right now.

Why send Future Messages?

Future Messages may not allow you to predict the future, but they will allow you to connect with future generations long after you've passed away. Future Messages are not just for those who are critically ill or in their golden years — they're for anyone who wants to share their thoughts, ideas and expressions with those they might not be able to meet, such as their grandchildren's kids. Future Messages give the people who receive them the opportunity to connect with you despite the wide chasm of time between your lifetime and theirs.

Of course, sending future messages is simply fun. It's an interesting concept that has been around for decades but it hadn't been perfected until today's technology arrived. For example, there are apps and programs that allow you to send text messages, email or even publish a blog article way into the future. That's the idea behind Future Messages, except that you can link your Memories' Future Message to a Memories Timeline, to create a very personal multimedia experience for your loved ones.

The benefits of sending Future Messages

There are numerous benefits to sending messages to future generations.

  • They allow you to connect with future relatives.

  • People with a terminal illness can send their final words, wishes and thoughts to loved ones.

  • Individuals who are suffering from degenerative diseases, such as dementia, can send Future Messages to loved ones before their conditions worsen.

  • Future Messages can be integrated with an online or traditional last will and testament. This can help clarify what's already written in a will, because the instructions are coming directly from the video's creator.

  • You can be there for family events, not just in spirit but also digitally, through a Future Messages video.

  • It will add a richer multimedia experience to your Memories Timeline.

Get creative with Future Messages

Future Messages are not only user-friendly, they're fun to use, too. You can try all sorts of creative experiments with them. For example, you can create a video diary that you can set up to be sent every day in the future. You can do a "story time" style of message by relating a story from your life, or if you're imaginative, a fictional bedtime story for your future grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and beyond! You can also create slideshows while narrating captions for the images. The options are endless with Future Messages.

Read about some of the ways you can use Future Messages in 5 Ways to Use Future Messages.

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