21 Beautiful funeral poems for Mom

Funeral Planning

Your mother is a very significant person in your life so when it comes to losing her, it can be hard to let go. Despite the pain, her funeral gives you the opportunity to celebrate her life, say your final goodbyes and remember all she did in this world.

Articulating your farewell isn't always easy. A beautiful way to communicate everything your mom meant to you is through poetry. Funeral poems can often help express the words to describe your mother and her life journey that you might struggle to say otherwise.

To help you plan her funeral, we have compiled a list of 21 Beautiful Funeral Poems for Mom that are perfect for use as part of a funeral reading or eulogy. They cover the extraordinary impact your mom had on your life and those around you, as well as what she really meant to you.

However you decide to celebrate and honor your late mother, we feel sure that one of these poems will beautifully show how special she was — and how mush she'll be missed.


1. A Poem for Mother, by Anonymous

This poem is about appreciating your mother's life and being glad you were a part of it.

“Mother, you were just a girl,

So many years ago.

You had your loves and had your dreams,

You watched us come and go.

You watched us make the same mistakes,

That you had made before,

But that just made you hold us tight,

And love us all the more...”


2. Irish Funeral Prayer

This is a wonderful poem about how your mother doesn’t compare to any other friend and how she will always be missed and appreciated for that.

“You can only have one mother

Patient kind and true;

No other friend in all the world,

Will be the same to you.

When other friends forsake you,

To mother, you will return,

For all her loving kindness,

She asks nothing in return...”


3. Mother, by Anonymous

This poem graciously enumerates all the different ways a mother is wonderful, and that, although she has passed, she is always looking over you.

“We had a wonderful mother,

One who never really grew old;

Her smile was made of sunshine,

And her heart was solid gold;

Her eyes were as bright as shining stars,

And in her cheeks fair roses you see.

We had a wonderful mother...”


4. You Can Only Have One Mother, by Anonymous

This wonderful poem highlights that your mother doesn’t compare to any other friend, and she will always be missed and appreciated for that.

“You can only have one mother

Patient kind and true;

No other friend in all the world,

Will be the same to you.

When other friends forsake you...”


5. Her Journey’s Just Begun, by Anonymous

This poem reflects a spiritual way of thinking, suggesting that after we pass, we start a new journey into another life.

“Don’t think of her as gone away, her journey’s just begun

Life holds so many facets, this earth is only one.

Just think of her as resting from the sorrows and the tears...”


6. Gone From Us, by Anonymous

Although your mother may have passed, she was a sweet soul that won many hearts, led a life that was beautiful, and leaves as a friend to many.

“Gone from us that smiling face,

The cheerful pleasant ways,

The heart that won so many friends...” 


7. The Watcher, by Margaret Widdemer

A mother is caring and sometimes foolish in her care, but although it may seem unnecessary at the time, it’s something to appreciate. Knowing she is anxiously watching over you in the heavens can provide comfort.

“She always leaned to watch for us

Anxious if we were late,

In winter by the window,

In summer by the gate.

And though we mocked her tenderly

Who had such foolish care,

The long way home would seem more safe...”


8. A Mother’s Love, by Helen Steiner Rice

We would describe this poem as deeply comforting and true. It’s a special take on the love of a mother, and how it is a mystery, perhaps linked to a gift from God.

“A Mother’s love is something

that no on can explain,

It is made of deep devotion

and of sacrifice and pain,

It is endless and unselfish

and enduring come what may...”


9. The Magic of a Mother’s Touch, by Anonymous

There’s so much love in a mother's touch, it’s an enigma amongst many, something that can only be explained through a feeling.

“There’s magic in a Mother’s touch,

and sunshine in her smile.

There’s love in everything she does

to make our lives worthwhile.

We can find both hope and courage...”


10. The Broken Chain, by Anonymous

This poem talks about the unexpected loss of a Mother, something that will take time to adjust to, but still we are grateful to have been able to call her Mom.

“We little knew that morning that God was going to call your name,

In life we loved you dearly; in death we do the same

It broke our hearts to lose you, you did not go alone...”


11. My Mother, by Anonymous

This poem talks about the blessing and the lessons that your mother can give you over the years, and how you were always learning from her.

“In infancy’s unconscious day,

I weak and helpless long did lay,

Who o’er my form did watch and pray,

My Mother...”


12. For All the Times you Gently Picked Me Up, by Anonymous

This poem expresses thanks for her always being there: for picking you up when you fell down and for helping you when you needed it. 

“For all the times you gently picked me up,

When I fell down,

For all the times you tied my shoes...”


13. We Had a Lovely Mother, by Anonymous

This poem describes the wonder of a mother: how she never got old, and how they still need to be careful because she is still keeping an eye on them.

“We had a wonderful mother,

One who never really grew old;

Her smile was made of sunshine,

And her heart was solid gold...”


14. Mothers Are The Sweetest, by Nick Gordon

This poem talks about the sweetness associated with mothers and how they have the ability to nurture you into becoming an independent being while remembering the special memories.

“Our mother is the sweetest

Most delicate of all.

She knows more of paradise

Then angels can recall.

She’s not only beautiful

But passionately young...”


15. Child and Mother, by Eugene Field

This poem talks about the guidance mothers can offer and the teaching they can offer so that you don’t have to worry and feel taken care of.

“O mother-my-love, if you’ll give me your hand,

And go where I ask you to wander,

I will lead you away to a beautiful land,–

The Dreamland that’s waiting out yonder.

We’ll walk in a sweet posie-garden out there,

Where moonlight and starlight are streaming,

And the flowers and the birds are filling the air...”


16. If Roses Grow in Heaven, by Anonymous

This poem is about missing your mother and hoping that flowers grow in heaven so that someone can help you in giving her some well-deserved roses.

“If roses grow in heaven,

Lord, then pick a bunch for me.

Then place them in my mother’s arms

and tell her they’re from me.

Tell her that I love and miss her

and when she turns to smile,

place a kiss upon her cheek and hold her for awhile...”


17. Only One Mother, by George Cooper

This work cleverly mentions that while there are many beautiful things in this world, you only get one mother.

“Hundreds of stars in the pretty sky,

Hundreds of shells on the shore together,

Hundreds of birds that go singing by...”


18. In Remembrance, by Christine Currah

This poem talks about how a mother gives you life, love and support, and how that memory fulfils your heart, so you will never truly be alone.

“You gave me life

To live as I please,

You gave me love and

Support to follow my dreams.

Your beauty lives...”


19.  In Memory of my Mother, by Mary Estelle

This poem tells us that a mother is a precious gift from God, and explores how she touched the lives of her loved ones in so many ways. While she gave her hand to God, it is not goodbye forever, but simply goodbye for now.

“You were a precious gift from God above,

so much beauty, grace and love.

You touched our hearts in so many ways,

your smile so bright even on the bad days.

You heard God’s whisper calling you home,

you didn’t want to go and leave us alone...”


20. Remembering Mom, by Lesley Woodrow Gibson

This poem is about wanting to appease your mother's wishes by doing your best to live up to the vision she had for you. It also explains how that vision led you to a life of pursuing happiness.

“Our hearts are filled with memories, our eyes are full of tears.

Our lives are filled with missing you, each day throughout the years.

We pray you found the peace in death you couldn’t find on earth.

We hope we became the people you prayed for at our birth...”


21. My Mother Kept a Garden, by Anonymous

We wish we could find the person who wrote this poem so we could thank them! What a wonderful piece of poetry that talks about a mother's love, and how she guided you through that love to become a better person.

“My Mother kept a garden.

A garden of the heart;

She planted all the good things,

That gave my life its start.

She turned me to the sunshine...”


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