Old Xavs Football Club While the birth of the Old Xaverians Football Club was still nearly a quarter of a century away, the first association with amateur football came in 1899, when Xavier College (as St Francis Xavier) entered a team in the Metropolitan Junior Football Association (later the MAFA, then VAFA). It was a doomed connection, as the Xaverian reported in language that reflected the spirit of the times. "It is a hard task to fill a football list with matches against teams of a sufficient degree of respectability. Teams at times have visited the College composed of men, who would be more in their element were they in a less gentlemanly atmosphere. It was to obviate this that we tried and succeeded in gaining admittance to the M.J.F. Association. We played one or two matches and some practice matches in this Association; but we were invariably beaten. We had no chance - boys played against men, the result was evident from the beginning. Repeated defeats caused our boys gradually to lose heart. The committee were consulted and thinking "discretion the better part of valour" we reluctantly resigned our place in the Association. But this time had not been wasted. These matches had shown our fellows their weak points, and in the practice many faults were corrected that had not else been noticed. Great improvement was noticeable in the the quick passing, and the increased absence of selfish play was soon evident." After many years seeking admission to the Schools Association of Victoria, Xavier College was finally admitted in 1899. The Xaverian notes that "the arrangement for matches for the Association might have been better" with the season schedule drawn from a hat. A fairer arrangement was mooted for 1900, which saw the establishment of the Associated Public Schools. The Xaverian makes special note of the game against Cumloden College: "In this match we had rather bad luck. The umpiring was, to say the least of it, not too fair. This, the Cumloden team, who are a right decent lot of fellows (in the words of one of ours) admitted." Old Boy , speaking of this match said "Both teams were keen to win from start to finish, and though the umpiring of Mackay was hardly strict enough, the game itself, both in tone and eagerness, was a good example of what these matches should be."
Old Xavs Football Club The Old Xaverians Football Club is one of Australia's most successful sporting clubs. Founded in 1923 by alumni of Melbourne's Xavier College, and affiliated with the Victorian Amateur Football Association since inception, the Old Xavs are today a progressive, professional organisation and one of Australia's largest and most successful clubs. We maintain a close relationship with Xavier College, which remains our major source of recruits. Old Xaverians waited fifteen years for our first premiership, the C Section flag in 1938. The 1990s were a golden era for the Old Xavs, winning a VAFA record of six A Section titles in six years, as well as securing numerous flags in the Reserves, Thirds, Club XVIII and Under 19 Sections. That winning tradition continues through the present day, due to the efforts of our committee, players and coaches, generous corporate partners and members. Today, on the brink of the 2020 season, our club has won a total of 79 flags in 91 seasons. In 2017, Old Xaverians introduced its first Women's Team. In 2018, we added a second, and in 2020, a third, enabling many young ladies with a Xaverian family connection to wear the famous Red and Black. We are extremely proud of the opportunities we have presented to so many young men and women to achieve success wearing the famous red and black jumper.
Old Xavs Football Club Women's football comes to OXFC, foundation member of the VAFA's inaugural competition. More images can be found within the Women's timeline.
Old Xavs Football Club 3 wise men, immediate past presidents
Old Xavs Football Club The Chopper supporter base
Old Xavs Football Club The OXFC Netball program commenced in July as response to the ever-increasing number of women at our club and their thirst for more competitive sport. Five teams of Xavs took part in the in the winter/spring season, with the Section 1 and Section 2 teams both winning the premiership. Thanks to the sponsorship from Anderson Construction and East Malvern Community Bank!
Old Xavs Football Club The next generation
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Join MemoriesFrom humble beginnings nearly a century ago, the Old Xaverians Football Club has grown into one of Australia's community football powerhouses. Today the club has broadened itself and provides opportunities for football at all levels. We offer both men’s and women’s senior programs as well as Under 19’s. Whilst our primary focus is team success we strive to be known as progressive where partici... more