Amy Shuttleworth Jim and Hazel had their first date.
Amy Shuttleworth Jim married Hazel
Amy Shuttleworth Craig was born
Amy Shuttleworth Matthew was born
Amy Shuttleworth Nicholas was born
Colin Lloyd This is the Hydromet team of the UK Institute of Hydrology that Jim joined in 1972. The team, under the inspiration and leadership of Jim, went on (among many firsts), to create the world's first portable instrument that measured surface-atmosphere interactions using the eddy-correlation principle - a system approach that is now copied across global networks. I was, at that time, a low-to-middle scientific researcher, largely doing as I was told. Despite me having only programming experience in FORTRAN and BASIC, Jim took a calculated risk and decided that I could write the Assembler program to control the instrument (Named the Hydra) data acquisition system, which used the very new field of low-power microprocessors. This was Jim, throughout his scientific career, taking calculated risks, providing encouragement and enabling those students and others working for him to fully grasp and exploit the opportunities given them. That period of my working life was one of the most energetic, enjoyable and rewarding of my career as the instrument came to fruition. Throughout the following years where I worked alongside Jim in various parts of the world, I knew and experienced his concern for the scientific and personal well-being of myself and those around him. It was a great personal and scientific loss when he left the UK to further his burgeoning career in Arizona. Jim and Hazel's decision to also have a home in the UK after his retirement, not half a mile away, provided me with the opportunity to once again regain the friendship of this warm, kind and compassionate man to whom I owe so much, professionally and personally
Amy Shuttleworth Jonanthan was Born
Amy Shuttleworth Amy was Born
Amy Shuttleworth Jim is awarded the International Hydrology Prize. To learn more:
Amy Shuttleworth Jim is awarded the title of Regents’ Professor by the University of Arizona
Although Jim and I spent much of our youth within a few tens of miles of one another in the North of England, we didn’t meet until 1992 when he was considering a move to the University of Arizona. I remember well his first lecture as a visitor to the UA, a tour-de-force without a hint of bombast, a simple explanation of concepts of profound global ...
The world lost a kind, intelligent, thoughtful citizen; science lost a gifted researcher, leader, mentor, and role model; many of us have lost a dear friend (whom I’d never gotten to spend enough time with), and his family has lost more than we can imagine. Jim was always approachable, giving of his time, and honest in all his feedback. Whether t...
I worked under Jim's supervision between 2003 and 2013. What started as a Brazilian student visiting the University of Arizona for a 1-year visit, led to a PhD study, and ultimately a postdoctoral position; always under Jim's guidance. I have many memories with Jim during those 10 years, interesting research and career discussions, a visit to the ...
I met Jim when I was a SAHRA graduate student and later was fortunate to be able to co-teach a "hands-on" Practical and Applied Hydrometeorology class with him when I became faculty at the University of Arizona. We had a lot of fun! I will always be grateful for Jim making me genuinely feel like I had something to contribute.
We know that Jim was loved by many. We'd love to hear about any warm memories or silly stories you would care to share with us.
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